Gundam Wing VHS Deal Error
|According to Bandai Entertainment there was an error in the VHS Gundam Wing packaging for the free mail-away action figure. The initial run of Gundam Wing VHS volumes 6 and 7 were packaged without the proof of purchase cards. To remedy this situation, Bandai changed the qualifying requirements to redeem the action figure for these specific VHS volumes. Consumers that did not receive mail away certificates have their choice of one of the following options:
Send in a receipt for volumes 6 and 7 showing that you purchased the required videos, along with the proof of purchase card for volume 5. Be sure to circle the video titles and/or price on the receipt.
Send in the UPC code from the box for volumes 6 and 7, or a legible photocopy of the video cover’s back, along with the proof of purchase card for volume 5.
Send in the proof of purchase cards, if you received them, for volumes 5, 6, and 7.