CPM Announces New DVD Releases
|Central Park Media has announced that the classic Gall Force: Eternal Story movie and Rhea Gall Force OAV will be re-released on remastered DVD, along with the American DVD premiers of Gall Force OAVs 2 & 3, on March 11th. The Gall Force DVDs will retail for $19.99 individually, or $74.99 as a 4 disc boxed set.
The Nightmare Campus adult anime OAV series previously released to DVD in a condensed movie version will see its original, uncut individual episodes released to DVD beginning on March 11th with the 40 minute long Nightmare Campus DVD 1.
The 2 episode Vanilla Series OAV title “Gibo” will see domestic DVD release on the 65 minute long “Stepmother’s Sin” DVD on March 11th. Gibo is an adult’s only title focusing on dark and extreme bondage and domination themes.
Source: Anime on DVD