Ask John: Why Isn’t Sailorstars Available in America?

I was wondering why we can’t have Sailor Moon Stars in either US or Canada?

The 200 episode long Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon TV series is divided into 5 TV seasons. The first two seasons, Sailormoon and Sailormoon R (episodes 1-46 & 47-89) are presently available in America in dubbed and heavily censored versions, and will soon be released by AD Vision in uncut, subtitled DVD boxed sets. The third and fourth seasons, Sailormoon S (episodes 90-127) and Sailormoon SS (episodes 128-166) are available in unedited bilingual format from Pioneer. Episodes 167-200, the Sailormoon Sailorstars season, however, has never been released in America in any format. AD Vision general manager Matt Greenfield revealed, during at least the Fanimecon convention last April, that Toei Animation of Japan is hesitant to allow American distribution of the Sailorstars season for a number of reasons.

The Sailorstars episodes prominently feature the Sailor Star Lights, three female Sailor Soldiers who disguise themselves by transforming into teen boys and reverting to their original female appearance only when they use their cosmic sailor powers. The lesbian romance between Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune is virtually undeniable in the Sailorstars season. Although not graphic, Sailormoon appears nude through a significant portion of the final two episodes. And finally, the Sailorstars season is much darker and apocalyptic that usual for Sailormoon, featuring the deaths of numerous main characters. (But, of course there’s a happy ending. This is Sailormoon we’re talking about, after all.)

According to Mr. Greenfield, Toei Animation is simply afraid that the potentially controversial sexual innuendo and themes in the Sailorstars season may tarnish the mainstream American perception of Sailormoon as non-controversial, non-offensive animation suitable for all ages and hurt sales of Sailormoon videos and merchandise in America. However, there’s always a possibility that they may be persuaded otherwise, and Sailormoon Sailorstars may come to America someday.


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