Anime Festival Chat Sessions

In conjunction with the Anime Colony/Japan Society New York Anime Film Festival (NYAFF) and the Kichijoji Character Festival, Anime Colony will be hosting three online chat events with honored guests for all anime fans to participate in. All chats are free and enable the public to ask questions regarding the work, opinions and lives of the guests of honor. To enter the chat room, join channel #auditorium at: Or set your IRC software client to and join channel #auditorium. WebTV users can participate at:

Friday, October 6th, 12 Midnight, Eastern Time:
Chat with Peter Chung
Aeon Flux creator Peter Chung will be present at the NYAFF to introduce his latest anime Alexander which was created in conjunction with the popular Madhouse Studios. He’ll be online to field questions regarding Alexander, Aeon Flux and art and whatever else people will throw at him.

Saturday, October 7th, 12 Midnight, Eastern Time:
Kichijoji Festival-NYAFF 3-way chat
For the first time in history, Anime Colony will be hosting a 3-way moderated chat between 2 major anime festivals and the audience. Host Hiroyuki Kitakubo (Blood: The Last Vampire, Black Magic M-66, Roujin Z) will be speaking from Kichijoji with honored guests from the NYAFF. Each side will give brief coverage on what’s going on at their end and answer questions regarding the animated medium.

Sunday, October 8th, 10 PM, Eastern Time:
Chat with Kunihiko Ikuhara
Coming full circle, the NYAFF will conclude with honored guest Kunihiko Ikuhara, the director of the popular series Sailor Moon and the co-creator and director of Revolutionary Girl Utena. Anime fans and fans of his work will be able to log on and ask him about his work, his eccentricities and his mission in life.


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