Anime Goes to School
|Bellevue Community College of Bellevue, Washington state has announced that the college will offer a course titled “Anime Revealed” during their winter session, January 3rd through March 21st.
An official press release states that the “interdisciplinary class… will combine the study of the Japanese language with English composition and film as literature. By watching anime, students will learn the Japanese language, while participating in discussions, receiving instruction in composition, and studying the ‘language’ of the films.” Terry Weston, Japanese language instructor for the school states, “A large number of students take Japanese classes to help them translate and better understand the anime they watch.” “We decided to use this interest to make studying Japanese and English composition fun.” Each class session will focus on one feature length anime film. “The films will provide subject matter for papers and discussion, as well as a tool for studying the language and culture of Japan. The class will also use manga, Japanese comics, and books based on the anime films to teach Japanese to advanced students.”
Source: Anime News Network