Ask John: What Anime Would John Take to a Deserted Island?

You’ve seen more anime than most people, so what are your personal top 100 favorite anime series/movies/OVAs? If you got stuck on a desert island and could only have 100 to see, which 100 would you take with you?

I understand your question and perceive the type of answer that’s sought, but I think that a simple list of a hundred titles isn’t really very interesting. Comparing which anime I like most to your own favorites may be fun, but a dry list doesn’t reveal much about anime or anime fandom. Instead, I’d like to offer an interpretative answer to your second question. I think my answer may reveal a bit about me, and provide some incentive for other fans.

One of the aspects of anime that I love most is discovering and watching anime that I’m unfamiliar with. Naturally, this avenue results in me watching a lot of anime that isn’t very good, or which I find that I don’t like, but the experience, the exposure alone is fascinating for me. Unlike many of the anime fans I know, I rarely watch most anime more than once. I appreciate the enjoyment that comes from watching a favorite episode or series, but in the amount of time it takes to re-watch an anime, I could also watch something I’ve never seen before. That’s why, if I was forced to select only a hundred anime titles to last the rest of my days, I’d select mostly anime that I’ve never watched before.

There are some select anime that I find imminently watchable. Films like Nausicaa and Millennium Actress are inspiring and complex works that I can gladly watch multiple times. Dragonball Z movies 7 and 9 are the epitome of thrilling anime action that’s easy to relax with. And I could joyfully spend the rest of my life with the classic Dirty Pair. But the majority of titles I’d pick to bring with me to a deserted island are long television series that I haven’t finished watching, and anime that I’ve always been curious about watching.

The former category includes titles such as City Hunter, Minky Momo, Ojamajo Doremi, Urusei Yatsura, Galaxy Express 999, Heidi of the Alps, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro, Oniisama E, Ghost Sweeper Mikami, Akazukin Chacha, Fist of the North Star, Ranma 1/2, Hime-chan’s Ribbon, Kodomo no Omocha, Hana Yori Dango, Kimagure Orange Road, Yawara, and Maison Ikkoku. I’ve seen single episodes, or large chunks of all of these shows, but I’ve never managed to completely finish watching any of them, despite even owning complete sets of many of them. These shows may not be flashy, trendy, or contemporary, but they are all dependable entertainment. These are shows with excellent stories and character development. They may not have the same awe inspiring impact as sensationalistic modern anime, but they’ll provide more reliable, lasting entertainment than slick but superficial anime that’s exciting once, but has little lasting value.

Finally, if I somehow had the time, I’d love to explore new anime and discover shows that I’ve only heard of, and even shows that I’m not familiar with at all. A few of the titles that I’ve been very curious about for many years include Fushigi Mahou Fan Fan Pharmacy, Maicchingu! Machiko-sensei, Future Boy Conan, and Memoru with the Pointed Hat. A number of other series that I’ve never had a chance to watch, but would if I had a good opportunity include Kyouryuu Wakusei, Ganba no Bouken, Tonde Buurin, Armored Trooper Votoms, Stop!! Hibari-kun!, and Hana no Ko LunLun. Once again, I actually have complete sets of Votoms and Future Boy Conan, but haven’t ever had time to watch them.

I know I haven’t properly answered the question, but my favorite anime and the anime I’d most like to watch are not necessarily the same shows. There are definitely particular anime that I love. For example, I have large collections of vintage Japanese merchandise from Dirty Pair, Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force, and Iczer One. But despite my love for these shows, my love of anime itself is greater than my devotion to any individual series. So I’m always more eager to see anime that’s new to me than shows I’ve previously watched.


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