Baka Kyoudai Anime Announced
|Gokyoudai Monogatari (Sibling Stories), an anime television series adaptation of Tetsu Adachi’s award winning manga Baka Kyoudai (Idiotic Siblings) on October 10. The ongoing original manga, which premiered in 1999, is a chronicle of the daily lives of twin brother and sister children who live a carefree life in lower-class Tokyo neighborhoods, enjoying heartwarming encounters with other local residents.
The series will be taking over the timeslot of the long running Atashi’n chi television anime that’s been airing since 2002.
This looks like it could be charming fun. And it co-stars Yuki Matsuoka (the voice of Haré+Guu’s Mari) as the sister Onei Jinushi.
Source: Anime News Network & Moon Phase Diary