Color Me Unimpressed
|I noticed today that FUNimation’s new Shin Chan Season One Part One DVD set has a sticker affixed to its front that proclaims “First time on DVD!” Back in the days when words meant something, a statement like that was supposed to encourage consumers, signifying that the DVD they were holding was something fresh and new and exciting. In those days consumers also complained bitterly about “double-dipping” and DVD re-releases. But these days it seems as though the marketing spin would be more effective if the sticker exclaimed “Third time on DVD!” instead of “First time” because consumers would presume that by the third time around, it would be complete and dirt cheap.
Well, I consider myself a fan of Crayon Shin-chan. I’ve watched a handful of TV episodes and more than a handful of the movies. Watching the “Unkokusai’s Ambition” movie remains one of the most fun times I’ve ever had watching an anime. So I was thrilled – both as a Crayon Shin-chan fan, and as someone concerned with seeing anime flourish in America – to anticipate one of Japan’s most successful children’s anime getting a nice American DVD release. Except what we got is not Crayon Shin-chan. It’s Shin Chan, a bastardization that would make 7-Zark-7 proud. But wait, the DVD set includes one lowly authentic Japanese episode, relegated to being a bonus feature, like a side-show freak tucked away in a dark corner of the carnival lot whose job is to add some novelty for viewers coming for the main attraction. Crayon Shin-chan may be a kids’ show, but I think it deserves more respect than this, at least.
No, I’m not bitter. (And that’s not a wry political reference.) Rather, I’m salty from the stinging tears and salty language I’ve shed over the lack of a genuine bilingual and unaltered Crayon Shin-chan release.
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The hidden curse of popularity wrought by cable television continues…
When I first saw both One Piece and Crayon Shin Chan on pre-order, I immediately began the ordering process despite the fact the last thing I need is to spend more money. Then I noticed it was dub only, and with some sorrow, I passed on it. I really thought Funamation was over this kind of idiotic pandering, but I guess it goes to show how much respect they have for the average American viewer.
I shudder to even suggest this, but would it be that difficult to follow the original episode schedule and give us their mutilated version and the Japanese version? I hate saying this because I agree with John in that any alteration to the original creator’s intent is unacceptable, even if an unaltered version exists. As I stated on my website, it’s sort of like being forced to pay for two statues of David: one unaltered, and one dressed in the latest fashions by Fubu.
Not that Funamation probably cares, but they lost one sale on Crayon Shin Chan.
When this was first announced I was really looking forward to it. I thought OK, they’ll need the dub to show it on TV. The DVDs will have the Japanese track. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
I find it especially frustrating with Crayon Shin-chan because the series is strange, amusing, and interesting enough as it is without having to westernize it. I thought it was bad enough when Comics One (I think that was the publisher) suddenly decided to change all the names to sync with the American broadcast.
The thing is that though I’ve pretty much grown to except this sort of thing as an inevitability, there are still instances that shock me over how poorly handled they are. The first time I saw One Piece on Fox I felt a the little pirate in me die. I thought we were past this sort of thing. Did no one learn from Escaflowne or Sailormoon?
I’m looking at this from the perspective of a fan. Did I know Robotech was a bastardized amalgamation of shows back when I was watching it in grade school? No, and the odd thing is I can look back at Robotech and smile. Will today’s young generation do the same, despite such heavy liberal edits in broadcasts that are enough to make even Carl Macek groan?
So no Shin-chan DVDs for me. Plus the series has like 600 episodes. Release unedited, inexpensive box sets and we’ll see. That’s not too much to ask, is it