Dark Angel Figures

Figures.com has reportedly posted some excellent images of the upcoming Dark Angel action figures of Dark with Kyo, and Leen with Shiki. The images look like the figures do an excellent job of capturing Kia Asamiya’s character design. Approximately 6 to 8 inches tall, each figure is highly detailed and has 12 points of articulation. Each figure will retail in Japan for 2200 yen (approximately 20 U.S. dollars). Fanboy Entertainment founder C.B. Cebulski says, “I am hoping we can set a lower price point for these figures in the U.S. but I have no concrete news about this yet.” Cebulski continues, “Kia Asamiya is designing some cool new packaging for these toys so they will really pop off the shelves and look more appealing than a lot of plain blister packs we see in stores today.” The figures are scheduled to be available in the US in April.


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