FUNimation Announcements from NYAF

During last weekend’s New York Anime Fest, FUNimation announced its acquisition of five installments of the Initial D anime franchise and the 2001 X TV anime series.

Specifically, FUNimation’s acquisition of Initial D includes the three TV series, the Extra Stage OVA, and the Third Stage motion picture. FUNimation previously distributed the First Stage, Second Stage, and Extra Stage anime on behalf of Tokyopop. The Big Apple Anime Fest hosted the world premiere of an English dubbed version of the Third Stage motion picture in 2003, however that dub was never released on American home video. FUNimation’s release of Initial D will feature a newly recorded English dub. The Fourth Stage TV series has never previously been officially released in America.

FUNimation will also re-release Geneon’s translation of the 2001 X Episode 0 OVA and its follow-up TV series.

Source: Anime News Network


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