G4 to Air X-Men Next Month
|The G4 television network has announced plans to begin broadcasting Marvel Comics’ and Madhouse’s X-Men anime television series on Friday, October 21, at 11:00 pm ET. Actor Scott Porter (Caprica, Friday Night Lights) will provide the English dubbed voice of lead character Cyclops. The 12 episode X-Men anime series aired on Japanese television earlier this year. G4 will air Japan’s currently wrapping up Blade anime series this winter.
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Why does Beast look like a furry?
He is a furry. Has been one for a while now What do you mean?
Well, he’s not a “furry”-furry in the comics.
In the comics he looks like a cat guy. His power is to be an authentic furry. Furries wish they actually had fur instead of dressing up like an animal.