Gundam Unicorn Author Talks Anime


Harutoshi Fukui, author of the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn novel series, has told the Mainichi Newspaper that the Gundam Unicorn anime currently in development will be slightly different but very faithful to his original novels. The anime will incorporate ideas developed between himself and anime screenwriter Yasuyuki Muto (Afro Samurai: Resurrection, Chevalier). Furthermore, the anime is being composed in such a way that it will seem like nothing from the original novels has been left out. Many scenes and images from the novels which readers will expect to see in the anime adaptation will appear in the anime.

Fukui states that the first installment of the Gundam Unicorn anime is expected to be an hour long. A format for the Gundam UC anime hasn’t been revealed yet. Earlier this year Japanese news sources reported that the Gundam UC anime will be premiere simultaneously internationally.

The 9th and 10th, final Gundam UC novel will hit Japanese bookstores next week.

Source: Anime News Network


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