Kadokawa Shoten Announces Three New Anime Productions
|Animate.tv has reported that at Kadokawa Shoten officially announced development of three anime series at the Tokyo Kokusai Entertainment Market 2004 convention, held October 23 & 24.
Trinity Blood, based on the novel series by the late Sunao Yoshida, will be produced by Gonzo Digimation. The series will be supervised by Tomohiro Hirata (Peacemaker Kurogane) and feature character designs by Atsuko Nakajima (Get Backers).
Shuffle, adapted from the popular adult anime computer game, will be animated by Studio Aslead.
Fullmetal Panic! The Second Raid will be directed by Fullmetal Panic! Fumoffu? director Yasuhiro Takemoto and again animated by Kyoto Animation. Seemingly, unlike the comedic Fullmetal Panic! Fumoffu? anime series, the new animation will be a serious adaptation of the two volume Fullmetal Panic! Owaru Day By Day novel story, with the action occuring partially in Hong Kong.
Source: Moon Phase