Macross Plus YF-19 Toy Receives Adjustments

There has been much excitement surrounding the upcoming 3 Toycom transformable valkyries, based on mecha from Macross Plus. Unfortunately, recently, nearly upon the release date of the first valkyrie toy, the YF-19, legal issues arose regarding who owns the rights to “Macross,” the name and related merchandising rights. Until this matter is cleared up, anything Macross related is on hold. A new release date has not been given for the YF-19; however, some good news is that the YF-19 is undergoing modifications to increase the durability and playability of the toy for its US release.

1. Several joints will be tightened, including the hips and knees.
2. Slots in the chest will be modified to fit the wing tabs more easily.
3. The tab on the nose cover will be strengthened.



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