New DVD Announcements

Central Park Media has announced that January 8th will see the release of Now and Then, Here and There and Magic Woman M on domestic DVD. Now and Then, Here and There will include the first 5 episodes of the brutal 13 episode war drama produced by Pioneer & Studio AIC in early 2000. Magic Woman M (Mahou Shoujo Meruru) will include both 30 minutes of the very erotic adults’ only OAV series.

Pioneer has announced that SoulTaker will premier on domestic DVD on February 26th. The disc will include the first 3 (of 13) “director’s cut” episodes, slightly revised and upgraded over the Japanese television broadcast versions. The premier DVD will also feature a holographic foil cover, anamorphic, no-text openings and closing animation, an art gallery, and a 16 page SoulTaker encyclopedia booklet for $29.98.

And Bandai will premier the 6 episode 1999 Z-Mind OAV series and the 50 minute long theatrical MS Gundam 08th Team: Miller’s Report movie on March 19th. Z-Mind: The Battling Days of the Shitamachi Virgins tells the story of 4 sisters that pilot a giant robot to protect the world from alien invasion in 1976. The Miller’s Report movie is a condensed summary of the first eight MS 08th Team OAVs with some new footage.

Source: Anime on DVD


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