Shoji Kawamori Documentary to Premier This Week
|The short film “Target HAL Micro Adventure,” supervised by anime director Shoji Kawamori, will premier at the opening of the Cyberdyne Studio in the iias Tsukuba shopping center on the 31st. The short film details the technology employed in Cyberdyne’s HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) exoskeletons.
Although best known as the creator of the Macross anime franchise, Shoji Kawamori has been involved in the real world robotics field including designing the exterior features of Sony’s ERS-220 Aibo robot dog, and creating the Dualis powered suit concept to promote Nissan’s compact Dualis SUV. Kawamori is also credited as “vision creator” for the recently announced robotic themed BASQUASH project.
Source: Anime News Network