Square Enix Announces New Final Fantasy Games

During its recent E3 press conference, Square Enix announced plans for several new Final Fantasy games.

Final Fantasy XIII will be released on the PS3. GameTrailers.com hosts a high quality recording of the game’s first official trailer.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII, also for the PS3, will be an entirely independent game with different characters and setting from FFXIII but will thematically compliment FFXIII.
Final Fantasy Agito XIII will be a mobile phone game set in the FFXIII universe.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers was announced for the Nintendo Wii.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates was announced for the Nintendo DS.
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII will hit the PS2 in America on August 22nd.
Final Fantasy XII will be released on the American PS2 this October.
Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS will be released in September.
Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI will be released on the American Gameboy Advance.

Source: The Magic Box


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