Valentine Banner Contest

So we haven’t run a new contest in awhile, and we need a new banner… Wait! We can get a new banner and still be lazy by having our more-talented-than-us members design our banner for us! Ah, my work here is done, can I have off for the rest of the day?

Seriously, we do need a new banner, and Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. This time, we’ll give the winner the thinpak set of your choice! Just submit them by Feb 9th (next Monday) so we can put it on the site for next week. We’ll pick the winner Monday morning.

Don’t think we ran one last year, but here’s the submissions for 2007:

And of course, here’s where to post them:

Contests are fun, and we haven’t run many lately (ok, seems like forever), so look for more soon. Really. This time we really mean it. Now go make banners. What are you still doing here???

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